DivX 6.1


Membro dello Staff
3 Marzo 2003
Disponibile un aggiornamento versione il pacchetto dei codec , necessari per visualizzare e comprimere i file video utilizzandoil formato DivX™.
In questa pagina sono elencate le molte novità della versione 6.x. Mentre in questa altra pagina vi sono le FAQ di DivX 6 . Per le novità di questo aggiornamento potrete trovare notizie in questa pagina.

DivX Create Bundle
The DivX Create bundle offers all the tools necessary to create and play DivX videos with groundbreaking interactive features.

DivX Play Bundle
The DivX Play Bundle gives you everything you need to start watching high-quality DivX videos, including DivX® Video-on-Demand movies. All the tools in DivX Play are also available in DivX Create.

From DivX Labs:

Today, we're excited to announce that the DivX 6.1 codec is finally here! It sports a ton of new features and enhancements, perhaps the most impressive being a massive improvement in encoding speed. According to our benchmarks, even a modest single CPU will run anywhere from 14 to 80% faster than the 6.0 codec depending on the quality mode selected. At the same time, brand new support for HT, SMP, Dual Core, and Dual Core + HT CPUs allows for gains of up to 300%!

Info&download qui
Alto Basso